Sienta la Cabeza is a company founded in Barcelona by Fafá Franco and Nick Prescott in 2001. Twenty-three years, amazing how time flies!
Our motivation for research and work is aesthetic transformation as artistic expression and identity through hairdressing and music conceived as performative art. In our proposals, the public is always invited to participate and become the protagonist, in short, to live experiences that leave a mark on their relationship with their self-image. At this stage of things, we dare to say that we practice “Artistic Psycho-Hairdressing”, opening spaces for play and offering participants tools for self-knowledge through image change on stage, in a performance or at a workshop, so that they can enjoy their own creativity. Changing our image in a playful way allows us to know a little more about ourselves, becoming an experience that transforms, re-signifies and empowers our self-esteem.
The Sienta la Cabeza team has always been, in these twenty-three years, multidisciplinary and multicultural, with artists from different areas, and very multifaceted. Currently the team is made up of Fafá Franco (psycho-hairdresser-artist), Nick Prescott (musician and DJ), Laura Giberga (actress and makeup artist), and Montse Paüls (accessories designer). We take turns or coincide in carrying out the shows and workshops. And with so many skills and the circumstances of artistry we make the texts, we translate them, we make and edit videos, manage our social networks, and sometimes we even make costumes and also do the accounting, telematics invoices and grant applications. Wow!
In Brazil, we would say that we are “Pau pra toda obra”!
Fafá Franco is the soul of Sienta la Cabeza. Unmistakable in her style, always new and surprising, she is always reinventing herself and opening new paths in her work. She has great charisma and the ability to see and bring to light the unique qualities and beauty of anyone who passes through her chair. She has the gift of being able to understand the difficulties and needs of people in the face of change and accompany them in their process. Over the years she has coined the phrase “Psycho-hairdresser-artist” to describe herself. Her training in psychology has given a basis and depth to her family vocation as a hairdresser, itself a transmission that she upholds as third generation. Combining this with transgressive art has allowed her to take risks and take things a long way, challenging pre-established norms and assumptions with playful creativity.
And no one forgets her laughter!
Music is his great passion and he is happy when he is creating or playing with his group The Dog's Ear or alone with Halsen #1. No less pleasant is the DJ side of Sienta la Cabeza, hours of searching and listening to music to then create beautiful soundtracks live at the show. He’s also an Alexander Technique teacher and dedicated meditator, and loves studying, reading, writing poetry and walking in nature.
The stage is her element, as an actress, clown, educator and makeup artist. Her latest achievement is completing her training as a playwright and director. She is curious, empathetic and full of ideas. Always researching and trying new things, she enjoys reading, cinema, theatre and sharing with groups of friends. As a hairdresser’s daughter, taking part in Sienta la Cabeza has allowed her to connect her family heritage to the world of the stage in a very organic and natural way.
Being very creative, she became interested in theatre early on. She studied literature and mural painting until she discovered that her gift is creating with her hands. With a strong autodidactic tendency, she lets her inspiration flow through the materials till suddenly forms or flavours emerge, exquisite cuisine being her other creative talentWhether creating ornamentation elements for the Sienta la Cabeza show or teaching others how to make them in the workshops, she is in her element, and has also been able to return to the stage as a performer.
…the show had something for everyone, an element of participation, a rhythm, a spectacle and originality.
— Ruth Richardson, Catalonia Today
…son capaces de convertir en reina por un día al mismísimo Calvo Sotelo
— Sergio Makaroff, El Pais
Once you see the creations of these street performers/artists, you’d be hard pressed to think of anything more bizarrely inspired
— Mark Fisher, The Sunday Times
In a Galaxy not so Fafá away – a show to blow-dry your mind
— Jenna Clarke, the Canberra Times
La peluquería musical con peinados imposibles, esculturas de cabello y magia en las sienes, para transgredir el orden de las cosas… al ritmo del Dj que no para de poner la música más ‘cool’ e innovadora.
— Brígida Galleg-Coín, Granada Hoy

The most international thing in the world of the Sienta la Cabeza Company is its homonymous show, which has travelled worldwide, marking a presence in important festivals and events throughout the Spanish Territory, and in many countries in Europe, Asia, America and Oceania.
We are grateful to all the events that have programmed us, they all have value for us, although here we will name the memorable ones, over a trajectory of twenty-three years. It can be programmed at street theatre festivals, puppet festivals, dance and music festivals, city and local town festivals and celebrations and events of all kinds
Enlighten Festival – Canberra / Centenary of Canberra Birthday Celebrations / Singapore Arts Festival / Flipside Festival – Singapore / Venetian Carnavale – Macau World Trade Centre – Hong Kong / Summer in Dubai Festival / Bat Yam International Festival / Juste pour Rire Festival – Montreal / Centro Cultural Español en Miami / Festival Internacional Chihuahua / X Festival Internacional de Tamaulipas / VI Festival Internacional de Teatro de Calle de Zacatecas / Tempo Festival – RJ / Festival Internacional da Linguagem – FIL – RJ / Festival Internacional de Teatro de São Jose do Rio Preto – SP / Festival Visões Urbanas – Sesc Carmo – SP / Festival Internacional de Teatro de Londrina PR / Festival de Teatro Infantil do Ceará – CE / Festival de Circo do Brasil – PE / Festival Internacional de las Artes de Costa Rica / Festival Internacional de Teatro de El Salvador / Edinburgh’s Hogmanay Festival / BBC Comic Relief – Red Nose Day / National Theatre of London – Watch This Space Festival Norwich & Norfolk Festival / Streets of Brighton Festival / Spraoi Festival – Waterford Belfast International Children Festival / Freshers Week – Ulters University / Big Splash Festival – Newport / Breminale Festival / Paderborn Festival / II Berlin Lacht Festival / Olala Strassentheater Festival – Lienz / Namur en Mai Festival / Fête d’Iris – Bruselas / Leuven in Scene / Kempen International Street Festival – Moll / Chassepierre Festival des Arts de la Rue / Humorologie Festival – Kortrijk / Gent Internationaal Street Festival / International Visual Arts Festival – Labin / Ana Desetnica Festival – Ljubljana / Zsolnay Festival of Light – Pècs / Overstrum Festival – Vlissingen / Overijssel Straat op Festival – Almelo Festival de Wereld Van Witte de With– Rotterdam / Cité des Sciences et de l`Industrie – Paris / 125º Edition du Carnaval de Nice / Festival de Rue d’Aurillac / X Festival Les Turbulents – Vieux-Condé / Festival Parade(s) – Nanterre / Fête de les Bruixes – Tresserre / EXTRAiaNEI Festival – Mercati di Traiano – Roma / Festival Castell dei Mondi – Andria / Operaestate Festival – Bassano del Grappa / Festival Artisti in Piazza a Pennabilli / X Festival Sementes – Almada / Festival de Rue de Sion / Inauguración Nueva Termimal del Aeropuerto de Zurich / Sibiu International Theatre Festival / Fusion Festival – Lärz / Music Cactus Festival – Brugge / Lowlands Music Festival / Mundial Festival – Tilburg / Sziget Festival – Budapest / Fira de Teatre de Carrer de Tàrrega / Mostra de Teatre infantil i juvenil – Igualada / Fira de la Mediterranea de Manresa / Fira de Titelles de Lleida / Festival Internacional de Pallasses – Sant Esteve de Palau Tordera / Festival Hola Nadal – Barcelona / Drap Art Festival – Barcelona / La Mercè – Barcelona / Marató de l’Espectacle – Mercat de les Flors / Festival Escena Poblenou / Umore Azoka Feria de Artistas Callejeros – Leioa / Festival de Humor de Araia / Festival Bilboko Kalealdia / Feten – Feria Europea de Teatro para niños y niñas – Gijón / Festival / Feria de Teatro de Castilla la Mancha / Feria de teatro de Palma del Rio / Internacional de Títeres – Redondela / Noche en Blanco de la Laguna – Tenerife / Festival Mueca – Santa Cruz de Tenerife / Fiestas del Pilar – Zaragoza / Festival Internacional de Cine Fantástico – Murcia / Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Cádiz / Feria del Libro de Pozuelo de Alarcón / Día de Teatro Madrid / Teatro Valle-Inclán – Madrid / Festival de Música y Danza de Granada / Festival Actual – Logroño